In service to the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church

District Admin

The District will offer training for church administrative committees in January and February.  All sessions will be on Zoom.  On Sunday, January 26, 2:00pm, Dr. Hyo Lee will offer training for Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee members, and Mr. Kip Robinson will offer training for Trustees.  

S/PPRC registration here

Trustees registration here

On Thursday, February 20, 7:00pm, Ms. Carol Draper will offer training for Finance Committee members, and Ms. Martha Stokes will offer training for Lay Leaders.  

Finance registration here

Lay Leader registration here

Disaster Relief

On January 7, strong Santa Ana winds in Los Angeles caused wildfires to spread rapidly in multiple communities. Thousands of homes and businesses have been destroyed, as well as multiple local United Methodist Churches. Preliminary assessments of the damage is underway. UMCOR has awarded two solidarity grants to the California-Pacific Annual Conference to undergird their immediate relief efforts. This includes evacuee support like food and essential supplies as well as support for volunteer efforts and other relief activities.

Join us in this response.

Ways to help: resources for churches and conferences

Donate to support this disaster response effort. Give now >

Download and share a bulletin insert. View insert >

Read and download a litany for worship written by the Cal-Pac Annual Conference. Read litany >

Recovery from Hurricanes Helene continues.  Churches who want to help can:

Give financially.  $3 per bucket pays for sponges and shipping of flood buckets.  $75 pays for the cost of a flood bucket.  General donations are also welcomed.  To pay online, you may use this link:

Checks payable to “VAUMC” with “Helene” in the memo may be mailed to: Treasurer, VAUMC, PO Box 5606, Glen Allen, VA 23058.



Current Month

We can pray for you!

Let us know how we can support you in prayer.  Fill out this form and our Three Notch’d District team will be praying for you and your intentions.