In service to the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church
District Superintendent: Hyo Lee
Lay Leader: Elizabeth Farrell
Clergy: Dan Albrant, Liz Petry, Wayne Snead
Laity: John Glass, Nikki Karnes, Mark Snider, Laura Vassar, Don Vaught (Chair), Sharon Wray
“…I have summoned you by name; you are mine.– Isaiah 43
“… Be holy, because I am holy.”– 1 Peter 1:16
Clergy: Larry Cochran, Diana Foster, Matt Seaton, Jim Sprouse
Laity: George Batten, Katie Frooman, Laura Maher, Jim Mallon (Chair), Bessie Owens, Kip Robinson, Kelly Weiss, Nina Winkler
Contact: Jim Mallon,
George Batten, Susan Custer
“…Be still, andknow that I am God…” – Psalm 46:10
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