In service to the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church

The District Dispatch

Our Monthly District Newsletter

We publish the District Dispatch monthly and will share current and previous issues here.  

Looking for more?

Contact the Marykaye Cochran for more assistance and details

Simplified Accountable Structure (SAS) Resources

If your church is currently using Simplified Accountable Structure, please contact Pam Anderson at 804-521-1125 or at for opportunities for additional training.

You may also use the on-demand training available at

RE-Focus your Church on Ministry!

If we have enough interest, a workshop will be offered in the Fall of each calendar year to help train new and refresh returning members of the Leadership Team.

Please contact Pam Anderson at 804-521-1125 or at with any questions.

We can pray for you!

Let us know how we can support you in prayer.  Fill out this form and our Three Notch’d District team will be praying for you and your intentions.